We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: personal growth and empowerment is as important to your overall wellbeing as nutrition and exercise. It’s a whole-brain, whole-body approach to life.

There are many ways we encourage you to build this commitment to emotional health and wellness, from meditation to a gratitude practice to finding your tribe. One other tool we love is visioning.

Visioning provides you the space to dream and the direction you need to create your own future. In business, this is often referred to as a mission statement. But for you, as an individual, it is a glimpse of what’s possible, a big idea, or a dream. Your vision can, of course, include professional aspirations, but we encourage you to make it more personal. Visioning is a good practice to cultivate, as well as a first step in focusing your life, your legacy, and your happiness.

We love DIY vision boards–you can use a platform like Pinterest or get hands-on with magazine photos and glue–but there are many methods for creating a vision. For more, check out our recent piece on SharpHeels.

One last thing to remember: Your vision is not a to-do list. Identify specific, actionable goals only after you have given yourself permission to dream without limitations. Go big! We’re here to support you along the way.

Your biggest fans in health and wellness,

Angela and Team TRANSFORM