Whether it is professional (getting the promotion you wanted, getting a bonus or a raise or being your own boss) or personal (weight loss, being healthier, changing a daily habit, organizing a closet or watching less TV), there is no time like the present to set new standards for yourself, develop a plan to achieve the goals you want to reach, and find out new things about yourself in the process.
I like to call this evolution to a more focused life, a New You Revelation! Revelations are opportunities to learn about ourselves, our behaviors, and what we want out of life. Revelations are simple OR profoundly life-changing thoughts or experiences that can cultivate and push us to a lifestyle change – if we act on them.
If you want to make some big changes in your life, then start with small habits that are easier to approach and offer you the joy of seeing success more quickly. This strategy for sustainable confidence helps in building your capabilities to have the successful life you seek, both at home and at work.
Sometimes it can feel overwhelming to take on those changes; which is why I am offering you 4 four basic tips to get started and boost confidence for sustainable success! So, let’s get started!
1. Visualize Your Success – But Be Realistic NOT Pessimistic with Your Goals
Visualizing your goals is imperative to boost confidence in pursuing them. Making an honest assessment of your life and your circumstances. Are you setting realistic goals that you know you can achieve?
Goal setting (no matter how many times you have tried it), really works if it’s done in increments. Make sure you can actually control and practically work on them. Visualize your goal as an inverted pyramid, with the ultimate goal at the top. Working backward to a starting point will help you better see what you need to do each day to achieve success.
Seek out the habits you can immediately work on – habits small enough to achieve in a timely manner, but with big long-term impact toward your ultimate success. Don’t be afraid to ask a professional for help in achieving your goals either. They are there to guide you and most want your success as much as you do.
Even Superman and Wonder Woman can’t save the world from multiple crises at the same time, so they have to prioritize right? Prioritize your habits and start with the small ones to be most effective.
Whatever you want to work on, write those habits down. Choose ONE behavior to start with, and create realistic solutions to focus on for one month. Ignore the rest of the list until you feel you have legitimately mastered your first goal and then move on to your next one.
2. Make Sure You Use Positive Self-Talk To Boost Confidence
It’s easy to focus on all of the things we are doing poorly. But the purpose of being honest and realistic in our goals is to see what we really want to change. This is so we can live a more positive and balanced daily life.
Instead of getting hooked on all the negative things about yourself, recognize that you’re currently working on the habits you can control. Remind yourself that this is because you want to change, and this is all a positive and responsible step to a more gratifying future.
Compliment yourself on being the amazing person you are. You’re the kind that takes the bull by the horns! Empower yourself with positive “I am” statements (such as: I AM a runner. I AM a savvy business figure. I AM able to achieve.), that reinforce how hard you are trying to achieve your goals daily.
Put your statements on sticky notes placed where you will see them (or send yourself a text reminder on your phone), and repeat them verbally several times during the day to manifest your goals. There is nothing like a good pep talk to boost confidence and show the world you can be the best!
3. Fuel Your Success by Being Healthy
Overall transformation is a long process. That’s why you need your body to be at its healthiest while you’re making changes so you can think clearly, keep your hormones balanced, immune system high, and have the energy you need to achieve.
Nutrition is key to physical and mental success. Making small adjustments to your nutrition can make a big impact. Do you get a Twix bar during breaks? Replace it with healthy snacks (raw nuts or a fabulous protein shake). Getting a bag of chips for lunch? Replace it with sweet potato fries. Say no to soda for your 2PM crash. Replace it with a 16 oz of bottled water instead.
Making just ONE change in your routine will make it easier to make additional changes so that you can actually feel the difference in your body over time. Soon, you’ll notice you have increased energy and love the skin you’re in.
4. Power Down to Pamper Yourself
Why is powering down your electronics time so important to the new you? We spend so much time on our phones, iPads, tablets, or laptops that they become an extension of our body. Tuning out everyone else’s voice to tune in with your own voice is vital for your mind/body connection and health.
Throughout the day, create 5-minute increments of “me” time to do one of the following:
- Eat a healthy snack
- Drink water to keep your immune system healthy and hydrated
- Breathe deeply and stretch to renew your energy
In addition to these daily goals, create time to truly pamper yourself. You are working hard to visualize your goals and continue positive self-talk about your ability to achieve them, and now you should take care of the skin you’re in to enjoy your hard work.
Instead of spending time on your phone or laptop surfing the net as your regular “you” time routine, make it a point to visit the steam room or hot tub at your gym or spa. Set an appointment for a massage, or take a hot bath to unwind and feel renewed at least once during the month.
These four tips are key to boost confidence and help you achieve a stronger you. Although you may not have the red boots, red cape and “S” on your chest like Superman does, or the golden lasso and wristbands of Wonder Woman, you can still empower yourself to be your own superhero!
Building confidence is a lifestyle. Transform your mind, your body, your being, and your life and you will ultimately transform yourself towards the success you desire.
By: Angela Martindale